Disgruntled Consumer
12th April 2010
To go to the effort of getting a t-shirt made about your gripes means you must have been seriously let down…
Certainly a noticeable piece of mobile advertising and I’d like to argue, quite impactful too. It reaches a primary audience of friends and family, who likely trust the communication medium (him). Outside of the audience, because of the nature of the medium it doesn’t intrude on anyone’s else’s space who sees it nor interrupt their preferred activities . It’s authentic- you simply take it as his point of view and not an exaggerated brand promise you’re persuaded to believe all in the name of profit-chasing. You actually want to ask more questions and engage with the communication. It got me in my local spar too- pretty targeted geographically and because of that, it somehow makes me a little more inclined to believe the integrity of the story behind it.
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